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1944: Hope
Moravian, Hope, Indiana, USA |
Mystery Worshipper:
The church:
Moravian, Hope, Indiana, USA.
Moravian Church
in North America, Northern
Province, Western
The building:
A simple brick structure, the third for this congregation, built
in 1875, with more recent additions such as a fellowship hall.
The altar juts up against a large pipe organ. There is a beautiful
ribbed wood ceiling, and stained-glass windows that are non-representational,
in keeping with the simplicity of the worship space.
The church:
The Moravian Church, or Unity of the Brethren (Unitas Fratrum),
was organized in 1457 following the teachings of Czech reformer
John Hus (1369-1415). As such, it considers itself the oldest
Protestant church in the world. Historically, they have been
averse to detailed doctrinal statements, but commend the traditional
creeds, the Augsburg Confession, Luther's shorter catechism,
and the 39 Articles of the Church of England as helpful guides
to understanding Christ's teaching. However, they do not require
adherence to any of these documents. Moravians have demonstrated
a strong commitment to ecumenism. The Northern and Southern
Provinces in North America are now in full communion with the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Episcopal Church
has approved an "almost" full communion relationship with these
two provinces; this awaits approval of the Moravian provinces
at their 2010 synods. A good discussion of Moravian history
can be found here,
and of their beliefs here.
Hope Moravian has a long and rich history. It is the only Moravian
church in the state of Indiana. The congregation holds Sunday
school and a worship service each Sunday, and vespers two Sunday
evenings each month. They have the standard array of women's
groups, youth groups, and social justice outreaches, as well
as a pre-school. The church also has a cemetery, known as "God's
Acre," with over a thousand graves separated according to gender,
marital state and age; they call this the "choir system."
The neighborhood:
Hope, with a population a bit over 2000, is roughly an hour
southeast of Indianapolis, the largest city in Indiana. The
church is only a couple of blocks from the center of downtown,
and the town of Hope is largely surrounded by farmland.
The cast:
The Revd Kerry D. Krauss led the service, and the organist/choir
director was John Ziegler.
The date & time:
Third Sunday in Lent, March 7, 2010, 10.00am.
What was the name of the service?
How full was the building?
Roughly two-thirds. Including a balcony, I estimate that the
church seats about 250.
Did anyone welcome you
We were greeted first by an usher, who handed us a bulletin.
Then, as we settled into our pew, a very friendly gentleman
stopped to speak with us and introduce us to two other congregation
members. I mentioned that I was Lutheran, and that Materfamilias
and I were musicians, and he replied, "I expect you two to sing
loudly – and in tune!" We tried to comply with his request.
Was your pew comfortable?
Wooden pews, but quite comfortable.
How would you describe the pre-service
Quite a bit of chatter as people entered.
What were the exact opening words of the
Pastor Krauss proclaimed:"The Lord is risen." The congregation
responded: "The Lord is risen indeed."
What books did the congregation use during the
The Moravian Book of Worship, a combination service
book and hymnal, approved by the Northern Province in 1990 and
the Southern Province in 1992. Plus a bulletin, with hymn numbers
and references to the one part of the Book of Worship
that had liturgical materials that we used.
What musical instruments were played?
Before the service, the church's brass ensemble with flute played
a couple of pieces from the balcony. During the service itself,
a nice pipe organ and a baby grand piano accompanied the singing.
Did anything distract you?
One young pre-teen had quite a bit of energy. While the congregation
clapped after the choir anthem, he cheered enthusiastically.
And, later, he cheered the pastor (who, without skipping a beat,
said, "Thank you"). This may be the same lad who, a bit later
in the service, raced up one of the side aisles and out the
door into another part of the church.
Was the worship stiff-upper-lip,
happy clappy, or what?
Fairly formal, but quite without any real ritual. This was a
fairly low church form of mainstream Protestant worship. Neither
choir nor minister were vested. Music was done well, but thoroughly
traditional. There was a welcome and greeting at the beginning
of the service, where members of the congregation greeted each
other warmly. There was also a reconciliation liturgy and a
creed that I did not recognize.
Exactly how long was the
10 minutes.
On a scale of 1-10, how good was the preacher?
8 Pastor Krauss is a fine public speaker and had obviously
prepared well. He used written notes, and only rarely did he
move away from the pulpit.
In a nutshell, what was the sermon
The gospel read for this Sunday, as appointed in the Revised
Common Lectionary, was Luke 13:1-9 (suffering has nothing to
do with degree of wrongdoing, but we will all perish lest we
repent, just as a fig tree that does not bear fruit will be
eventually cut down). Pastor Krauss noted the recent earthquake
in Chile and the devastation in Haiti - and asked whether Chileans
or Haitians were any more or less wicked than anyone else. He
noted Jesus' comment: "But unless you repent, you will all perish
as they did." He noted the difference between an apology and
true repentance. Repentance is an action. It must transform
our behavior and conduct. He then noted the Jewish maxim that
one should repent the day before one's death; but since one
can never know the day of one's death, one should repent daily.
Which part of the service was like being in
I was impressed with Pastor Krauss' sermon. And John Ziegler
was a fine accompanist for the congregation as well as for the
choir anthem. He played the hymns at a refreshingly brisk pace,
but still allowed the congregation time to breathe. The volunteer
choir of 16 sang their anthem (an arrangement of Just As
I Am, Lord) quite nicely.
And which part was like being in... er... the other place?
The cell phone that went off in the middle of the intercessions.
It was doubly like being in the "other place," since it was
Materfamilias' cell phone. Very embarrassing.
What happened when you hung around after the service looking lost?
The very nice gentleman who had talked with us before the service, and had sat in the pew in front of us during the service, talked with us further. We learned that he had been a high school principal before his retirement, and as Materfamilias taught K-12 education for much of her career, we had a lively conversation.
How would you describe the after-service
None today, as a good portion of the congregation was involved
in a confirmation class following worship. They do, though,
usually put on a "snack and yak." But as we were leaving,
a very nice woman mentioned that she was so glad that we had
joined them, and encouraged us to come back for their Easter
sunrise service (which concludes in "God's Acre"). When I noted
that this would involve a six hour drive prior to the service,
she responded, "Then drive down on Saturday and stay with us!"
I'm not sure if the extraordinary welcome we received from so
many members of this congregation is due to their being from
Hope, Indiana, or their being Moravians, or both – either
way, we could not have been more warmly welcomed to this congregation.
How would you feel about making this church your regular (where 10 = ecstatic, 0 = terminal)?
7 Hard to say, really. As a fairly up-the-candle Lutheran,
I would miss receiving the sacrament each Sunday, and the fuller
liturgy of the Word (three readings) that I am used to. But
this congregation are clearly doing many things right, and while
I don't expect to be a member there anytime soon, I would welcome
the chance to worship with them again.
Did the service make you feel glad to be a
Indeed, and also excited that my church (ELCA) is now a full-communion partner with these Moravians.
What one thing will you remember about all this in seven days' time?
The extremely warm welcome that we received from this congregation. |
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