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1468: Ardent Faith Christian Fellowship, Huntersville,
North Carolina, USA

Mystery Worshipper: Spirit-Seeker.
The church: Ardent
Faith Christian Fellowship, Huntersville, North Carolina, USA.
Denomination: Non-denominational.
The building: The congregation meets at Creative
EJ Studios, a music school-recording studio on the outskirts of Huntersville.
The large, white, modern building sits in a beautiful rural area and is
surrounded by a parking lot. One enters a foyer filled with paintings
by local artists, and then descends a staircase to the auditorium. The
windows in the rear of the building open onto the beautiful North Carolina
woods. It is a very tranquil setting, far removed from the hustling lifestyle
many live.
The church: They hold worship services on Sunday evenings and meet
in smaller prayer groups during the week in people's homes. They support
several community outreaches and overseas missions. The people seemed
warm, friendly and unpretentious, and appear to have a sincere love and
devotion to both the Lord Jesus and to each other.
The neighborhood: Huntersville is a small town outside of Charlotte
in the west-central part of North Carolina. Formerly an important agricultural
and cotton producing locale, the town today is known primarily for its
recreational opportunities and as a quiet, elegant place to live away
from the city. The drive to Creative EJ Studios is along tree-lined, beautifully
landscaped roads.
The cast: The Revd Jeffrey Watson, pastor ("Pastor Jeff"),
and his wife Julie led the worship service, and facilitated the involvement
of many others in the proceedings.
The date & time: July 15, 2007, 6.00pm.
What was the name of the service?
Family Worship.
How full was the building?
There were only 20 people at the service. The pastor announced that this
was only their second meeting at Creative EJ Studios. Previously they had
met only in people's homes.
Did anyone welcome you personally?
Pastor Jeff was standing at the entrance to the auditorium. He shook our
hands and warmly welcomed us. Within seconds, two other people who introduced
themselves as Rina and Julie came up to shake our hands and tell us how
glad they were that we had decided to visit them.
Was your pew comfortable?
The chairs were movie theater chairs with cup holders. They were comfortable
and spaced far enough apart so that you had walking room.
How would you describe the pre-service
The people in attendance were all inside quietly conversing before it was
time for the service to begin. We didn't notice any latecomers.
What were the exact opening words of the
"Welcome! This is our second service in this facility. We'd like to thank you for coming to visit us here. Our purpose is to bless the community, and engage other ministries in our area in unity. We will all stand together to enter into worship but after that, please feel the liberty to raise your hands or not, and even dance if that is your style.We endeavor to allow you the freedom to worship and still keep things in order."
What books did the congregation use during the
The words for the contemporary songs were on two overhead screens, which
made it easy to see them. There were no hymnals. The Bible I saw on the
row of seats in front of us was the New American Standard Bible, but Pastor
Jeff quoted from the New King James Bible.
What musical instruments were played?
Julie played the keyboard and Pastor Jeff played the guitar. There was a
drum set on the back of the platform that was not used.
Did anything distract you?
The temperature seemed to fluctuate a lot. But the main distraction was
the blinking colored lights that kept flashing and changing colors. I felt
that the board operators were not familiar with all the equipment yet. Pastor
Jeff stepped down off the platform when he spoke, but the lights were not
focused on him. It was difficult to see his face except when one yellow
light would flash on his face.
Was the worship stiff-upper-lip, happy clappy, or
The worship was wonderful. The moment they opened in song, the Spirit of
the Lord was tangible in the room. It was nice to be in a true worship service
and not watch a performance group. Pastor Jeff has one of those simple singing
voices that is easy to harmonize with, or just to listen to as one silently
Exactly how long was the sermon?
25 minutes.
On a scale of 1-10, how good was the preacher?
7 Pastor Jeff seemed nervous when he spoke. I felt like he was learning
to "wear the new hat" of pastor/teacher. He spoke with refreshing humility,
and continually held out the baton to other members. He had notes in front
of him, but gave many personal examples to illustrate what he was saying.
In a nutshell, what was the sermon
Practical ways of establishing God's kingdom in our lives every day, and
living out his commandments in practical situations. The pastor invited
the children's minister to share with the people what the teaching for their
children would be; then he asked the prayer leader for the Tuesday evening
meeting to share an example of God answering their prayers for unity among
the churches in the area. He then prayed for the Presbyterian church body
they had fellowshipped with earlier in the week during a fish fry. He mentioned
they pray for the other churches in the area each Tuesday night at their
prayer meetings.
Which part of the service was like being in
The worship service provided each person the opportunity to spend one on
one time communing with the Lord. At the conclusion of the service, the
pastor closed by inviting everyone to find someone close to them and pray
with each other over their needs. That reminded me of heaven's reunion and
fellowship with others.
And which part was like being in... er... the other place?
The dark spots on the pastor's face when the lights were not focused properly.
What happened when you hung around after the service looking lost?
People came to us and asked permission to pray with us. Then after prayer,
four people went out of their way to say goodbye to us as we left the building.
There was never a time when we were left standing alone. There was no embarrassment,
just genuine love and concern.
How would you describe the after-service
No refreshments...but the fellowship was great!
How would you feel about making this church your regular (where 10 = ecstatic, 0 = terminal)?
10 This would be a nice group to belong to as it grows. We related
to the belief system that was expressed and enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere.
Did the service make you feel glad to be a
Yes. The service showed me that God is raising up churches that are expressing
the kingdom mentality instead of growing their own kingdom. It was refreshing
to find a church that was not into pride, pretension and performance.
What one thing will you remember about all this in seven days' time?
That the focus was on blessing other churches, not competing with other
parts of Christ's body. |
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