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1445: St Agnes, St Paul, Minnesota, USA

Mystery Worshipper: The Vicar.
The church: St Agnes,
St Paul, Minnesota, USA.
Denomination: Roman
The building: The church is constructed in the baroque style and,
according to the parish website, is modeled after the abbey church of Kloster
Schlägl, a Praemonstratensian monastery in Upper Austria near the town of
Aigen in Mühlviertel. The copper green onion dome and red tiled roof can
be seen from a considerable distance. The interior is stunning, in a baroque
sort of way – lots of murals, statues, gold and marble. Three large chandeliers,
originally from the old Minnesota State Capitol building, are suspended
above the nave. Large stained glass windows from Munich, Germany, line both
sides of the nave.
The church: St Agnes is known for its excellence in traditional liturgy
and music as well as its theological conservatism. Monsignor Bandas, rector
during the time of the Second Vatican Council, interpreted the Council's
reforms very conservatively, and worship at St Agnes reflects that interpretation
even to this day.
The neighborhood: The church sits in a largely residential area not
far from downtown St Paul, in what appears to be a working class neighborhood,
a few blocks off Interstate 94. St Agnes School is adjacent to the church.
The cast: There was no bulletin listing the names of the sacred ministers,
but I assume the celebrant was the parish pastor, the Revd John Ubel, with
the deacon and subdeacon probably being the Revd Randal Kasel and the Revd
Christopher Beaudet, although I don't know which was which. The three sacred
ministers were assisted by a virtual swarm of well-trained and well-attired
altar boys, properly wearing black cassocks and neatly pressed cottas.
The date & time: Easter Sunday, April 8, 2007, 10.00am.
What was the name of the service?
Latin High Mass.
How full was the building?
Probably at least three-quarters full. The church can hold 1,500 worshippers.
Did anyone welcome you personally?
An usher was standing at the door and we exchanged a few pleasantries as he handed us the missalette and advised us what other leaflet we would need.
Was your pew comfortable?
Yes, quite comfortable. It was a fairly standard, carved wooden pew with a padded kneeler (also quite comfortable).
How would you describe the pre-service
It was as quiet and reverential as it could be with hundreds of people streaming into the church, including many families with small children. Still, there was no loud visiting or laughter. An expectant buzz would be the best way to describe it.
What were the exact opening words of the
The choir, accompanied by organ and orchestra, sang: Terra tremuit et
quievit, dum resurgeret in judicio Deus, alleluia (The earth trembled
and was still, when God arose in judgment, alleluia) – whose setting
it was I don't know. The sanctuary party processed in at this point, and
what a procession it was! First came a flag bearer, carrying what I think
was the parish coat of arms. Following him were thurifer, crucifer and acolytes,
the aforementioned swarm of servers, a few banners, the clergy in choir,
and finally the sacred ministers, wearing birettas and exquisite baroque
cloth of gold vestments. The actual first spoken words were: In nomine
Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
What books did the congregation use during the
Missalettes and a side-by-side Latin and English text of the liturgy. However,
most people around us did not seem to use any booklets as they seemed to
know the liturgy quite well.
What musical instruments were played?
Organ, orchestra (with brass and timpani). The Twin
Cities Catholic Chorale, who are resident at the church, sang Mozart's
Coronation Mass, while the St Agnes schola cantorum sang the propers.
Did anything distract you?
Not particularly, although this was the first time I had seen mantillas
and birettas in real life. The almost over-the-top design of the church
also vied for attention. A young boy, perhaps five years old, perfectly
dressed in blazer and tie, was sitting across the aisle from us. Whenever
he entered and left his pew, he genuflected and crossed himself perfectly.
It was almost cute enough to make Mrs Vicar and me want to start populating
the vicarage.
Was the worship stiff-upper-lip, happy clappy, or
Latin high mass. Start with a hefty helping of smells and bells, birettas
and mantillas. Throw in the Coronation Mass and the schola singing
Gregorian chant. Add a recitation of the Regina Coeli. Mix well. What do
you have? Nosebleed-high liturgy. It was splendid! One thing did strike
me as a bit odd, though: neither of the lessons nor the gospel was chanted
they were simply read, in English.
Exactly how long was the sermon?
9 minutes.
On a scale of 1-10, how good was the preacher?
7 Father Ubel preached in the style that I prefer best: clearly,
with energy, but not overly dynamic or charismatic. He held our attention
without resorting to unnecessary jokes or distracting mannerisms.
In a nutshell, what was the sermon
Christ's resurrection is a pre-cursor of our own bodily resurrection, which
we as Christians can look forward to at the end of our earthly lives.
Which part of the service was like being in
Without a doubt it was the music, particularly the ordinary of the mass.
Also, the ritual and ceremonial were most spiritually uplifting. It was
heavenly to see so many school-aged boys conducting themselves so properly
and performing their tasks almost flawlessly. Indeed, Mrs Vicar told me
the next day that if she had died during the mass, she might not even have
noticed the transition from earth to heaven.
And which part was like being in... er... the other place?
Both Mrs Vicar and I noticed one thing, independently of each other – the
body language apparent in some of the families in attendance. In several
cases, the father walked very deliberately ahead, carrying one of the younger
children, and the mother and the rest of the children followed behind very
meekly. One young mother in particular was dressed very plainly and looked
very subservient, shuffling with eyes downcast behind her well-dressed husband
and kids, looking quite unhappy. My heart went out to her the joy of the
Resurrection appeared to be missing from her Easter morning.
What happened when you hung around after the service looking lost?
At the end of the mass, people streamed out of the church and Mrs Vicar
and I went along with the flow. Had it been an ordinary Sunday, we might
have tried to hang around, but we didn't feel that Easter Day was the right
time to get to know the locals.
How would you describe the after-service
No mention was made of coffee, and I doubt there was any on offer.
How would you feel about making this church your regular (where 10 = ecstatic, 0 = terminal)?
5 As far as the liturgy and music go I would give it at least a 9,
and I would be tempted to sign up immediately if I lived in the Twin Cities.
However, I am Anglo-Catholic, not Roman Catholic, and would have a great
deal of difficulty accepting the "trad-Cath" moral theological
positions that I understand this parish to take.
Did the service make you feel glad to be a
Absolutely – it was the best Easter Sunday mass we'd ever been to.
What one thing will you remember about all this in seven days' time?
It's hard to pick just one, but I will have to go with the music. |
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