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1436: Westminster Presbyterian, Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Mystery Worshipper: Sabbath-Man.
The church: Westminster Presbyterian, Des Moines, Iowa, USA.
Denomination: Presbyterian Church (USA).
The building: A large Gothic-inspired church with a rather austere
interior. The communion table sits in the center of the sanctuary, with
a pulpit to the left. At the head of the center aisle is the baptismal font.
An impressive pipe organ occupies the wall behind the chancel.
The church: Westminster holds a place of prominence among the mainline
churches of Des Moines. They sponsor several ministries and outreaches and
are known for promoting the arts as well as for their open and affirming
position toward gays.
The neighborhood: Des Moines was founded in 1843; several theories
exist to account for the origin of its name. It is a modern, prosperous
city, home to major insurance companies as well as financial and publishing
firms. Westminster Presbyterian is in the Beaverdale neighborhood, one of
the nicer historic districts. Volvos and BMWs abound.
The cast: The Revd Dr Ken Arontson, executive associate pastor, served
as liturgist, and the Revd Amy Miracle, head pastor, preached. Both presided
over the sacrament of holy communion. Two gentlemen identified as Steve
Capp, youth club coordinator, and Dick Keifer, parish associate, read the
scripture lessons and led a recognition of 50-year members, but I don't
know who did which. The church directory lists Ruth Harris as organist and
associate minister of music; I presume it was she who presided at the organ.
A choir of 20 or so people processed during the opening hymn and sang an
anthem early in the service.
The date & time: May 6, 2007, 11.00am.
What was the name of the service?
50-Year Member Recognition.
How full was the building?
About half full. It was pouring rain outside in biblical proportions.
Did anyone welcome you personally?
Four different people said "Hi" before worship. A fellowship folder
was passed among us in the pews; I signed and passed it on.
Was your pew comfortable?
A very comfortable pew.
How would you describe the pre-service
There was rather a lot of sparse, empty silence prior to worship. No music
was played until after the opening welcome and announcements, to serve as
a buffer between these and "worship."
What were the exact opening words of the
"There's plenty of room up front!"
What books did the congregation use during the
We sang from the Presbyterian Hymnbook and used a worship bulletin
for prayers, responses, etc.
What musical instruments were played?
The organ.
Did anything distract you?
More curious than distracting. From a distance, the baptismal font looked
odd and I never did figure out why. I was intrigued by a large tattoo peeking
out from under the collar of a young man a few rows in front of me. I noted
that while Westminster has plenty of retirees and empty-nesters, there is
a noticeable presence of young adults and families with children.
Was the worship stiff-upper-lip, happy clappy, or
Very Presbyterian. Pretty formal, but not without humanity and humor. Regarding the 50-year member recognition: an insert in the worship bulletin had quite a list of names, but only two were specifically recognized in the service. It was my sense that others in the list would be recognized at different services on different days. Ken Arontson talked briefly about the two persons recognized that day and there was a brief prayer.
Exactly how long was the sermon?
14 minutes.
On a scale of 1-10, how good was the preacher?
7 Pastor Miracle could very well have let the congregation pat itself
on the back for its inclusivity, but instead she gently prodded them not
to become complacent.
In a nutshell, what was the sermon
She noted how the Acts of the Apostles makes it clear that the Gentiles
were to be included in salvation. Many Jewish Christians feared that welcoming
the Gentiles would lead to the loss of their own identity. Similarly, some
fear that for Westminster to be serious about evangelism will mean the loss
of their identity to something flashy and shallow. "We couldn't be
flashy and shallow if we tried!" she said.
Which part of the service was like being in
As the service progressed, I realized that a gentleman sitting in the pew
ahead of me was blind and had his seeing-eye dog at his feet. I like the
fact that a dog was present at worship, but when I heard the blind man sing,
"Great is thy faithfulness" and "Morning by morning new mercies
I see," I was especially touched.
And which part was like being in... er... the other place?
The sacrament of holy communion seemed – well – so uncommunal.
As a visitor, I felt no connection with the others who communed, and no
attempt was made to build even small, temporary bonds. For example, there was no passing of the peace, and the communion liturgy
included little or no participation and few if any congregational responses.
Am I being overly fussy to complain that the elements, bread and cup, were
not even on the table during the eucharistic prayer, but instead were already
being held by servers pre-positioned in the aisles?
What happened when you hung around after the service looking lost?
Two people nodded and smiled at me. At the back of the aisle, the pastor
said, "Thanks for coming today."
How would you describe the after-service
I didn't stay for coffee. I was running late and no one seemed particularly eager to invite me.
How would you feel about making this church your regular (where 10 = ecstatic, 0 = terminal)?
6 This form of worship is very familiar and comfortable to me. But
now that I've seen how it can look to an outsider, it struck me as rather
impersonal, isolating and heady. I came away realizing how important relationships
and connections are to worship. A rather average choir anthem is pleasing
because you are friends with the people singing. If you don't know anyone
in the choir, it is just an average anthem. I left wondering, "Is this
how guests feel at the church I call home?"
Did the service make you feel glad to be a
Yes, despite my critiques. The Good News was proclaimed, the sacrament was
shared, and people who remained strangers to me but are known by God gathered
to worship.
What one thing will you remember about all this in seven days' time?
"We couldn't be flashy and superficial if we tried!" Mainline
churches, are you listening? Fear of mega-churches doesn't a presence make. |
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